LVR-Institut für Landeskunde
und Regionalgeschichte
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Discover Jewish Life in the Rhineland. LVR-KULTURHAUS Landsynagoge Rödingen

Alexander Schmalz

Schubert Verlag, Haigerloch 2012, 46 Seiten, Preis: 4,00 €, ISBN: 978-3-933231-45-1

After a brief introduction to rural, Jewish Life in the Rhineland, the 46-page brochure first deals with the history of the Rödinger village synagogue and that of its founder Isaac Ullmann and his family. In a search for traces, the building ensemble with synagogue, residence of the Ullmann family and synagogue courtyard is described. The brochure concludes with an overview of the history of the Jewish cemetery in Rödingen, a timeline with the most important dates on Jewish village history, literature tips and visitor information. It is suitable for both accompaniment and follow-up of a visit to the LVR-KULTURHAUS Landsynagoge Rödingen.

Bestellungen richten Sie bitte an: Gabriele Scheibe